Brüsszel I – azaz: EIPA-szeminárium Luxembourgban
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Az EIPA szervezésében Luxembourg ad otthont annak a november 20-21-én megrendezendő szemináriumnak, melynek témája a polgári és kereskedelmi ügyekben a joghatóságról, valamint a bírói ítéletek elismeréséről és végrehajtásáról szóló Brüsszel I rendelet felülvizsgálata, továbbá a 2015. január 10-étől hatályba lépő átfogó módosítások.
A Brüsszel I rendelet elismerését és felülvizsgálatát ismertető EIPA-program az alábbiak szerint alakul:
November 20., csütörtök
This part of the seminar will focus mainly on the abolition of the exequatur of judgments in the European Union; it includes a discussion about the extension of jurisdiction to third state defendants, and the interface with arbitration that arise from the reform of the Brussels I Regulation. An entire session will be devoted to the new rules of prorogation of jurisdiction, the validity and effectiveness of a choice of court agreement under the recast Brussels I Regulation that facilitates cross-border litigation and removes obstacles to the independence of choice of forum court in a Member State. The coordination between recast regulation and the Hague Convention of choice of court of 2005 will thus also be pointed out.
08.45 Registration of participants
09.00 Welcome and introduction
Roberta Ribeiro Oertel, Lecturer at EIPA Luxembourg, European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
09.15 The main aspects of the recast of the Brussels I Regulation
Petra Jeney, Senior Lecturer at EIPA Luxembourg, European Centre for Judges and Lawyers
Roberta Ribeiro Oertel
10.30 Coffee break
10.45 The abolition of exequatur proceedings in the new Brussels I bis Regulation
Petra Jeney
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Choice-of-court agreements on the recast Brussels I Regulation: a practical view Jochen Bauerreis, Attorney at Law in Germany and France, Professor at the Universities of Freiburg and Strasbourg
15.15 Law applicable to choice-of-court agreements on the recast Brussels I Regulation
Jochen Bauerreis
16.00 Coffee break
16.15 Case study: presentation of good practices when approaching a documentation file of a choice of court agreement in the light of the new regulation and case law
Roberta Ribeiro Oertel
17.30 End of first day
Az Európai Unió Bíróságának luxembourgi épülete. Mi lesz veled Brüsszel I?
November 21., péntek
The second part of the seminar will principally focus on how the recast Brussels I Regulation could avoid abusive litigation tactics when a court not designated by an exclusive choice-of-court agreement has seized the proceeding, and the designated court is seized in subsequent proceedings involving the same cause of action and the same parties. Issues related to the notion of provisional and protective measures will also be considered, as well as the jurisdiction rules protecting the weaker party. The last session will explain the special rules on jurisdiction relating to contractual obligations and non-contractual obligations, as well as their relationship with Regulations Rome I and II on applicable law.
09.00 Coordination of legal proceedings before courts of Member States: lis pendens and related actions
Peter Beaton, Consultant and Expert in European Civil and Private International Law, United Kingdom (to be confirmed)
09.45 Coordination of legal proceedings before courts of Member States: provisional and protective measures
Peter Beaton (to be confirmed)
10.30 Coffee break
10.45 Special rules on jurisdiction in matters relating to a weaker party Peter Beaton (to be confirmed)
12.00 Lunch
14.00 Special rules on jurisdiction in matters relating to contractual obligations Roberta Ribeiro Oertel
15.15 Coffee break
15.30 Special rules on jurisdiction in matters relating to non-contractual obligations
Roberta Ribeiro Oertel
16.30 Workshop: leading cases on special jurisdiction
Roberta Ribeiro Oertel
17.30 End of the seminar
Forrás: BÜK Hírlevél – 315. szám;